The piloting program will deploy the INTEL-IRRIS starter-kit developed by UPPA in several farms to test the technological solution and get feedbacks from smallholder farmers.
Local stakeholders will play an important role and we acknowledge their invaluable help to facilitating contact with smallholders and administration agencies.

Video showcasing the starter-kit for the Smallholder Piloting Program

There are questionnaires associated to the piloting program to establish the first contact with smallholders. See the french version (.pdf) and the arab version (.pdf).
Pilots in Morocco

- El Hihali farm

Ras El Ain farm

Sidi El Aidi farm

- Collaborators

ONCA, Office National du Conseil Agricole. For INTEL-IRRIS, more specifically Direction Régionale Casablanca/Settat
Pilots in Algeria

Farm 1 – «Concessionnaire EAC EX DAS SI TARIK N°2 », Ain-Turk, Oran area.

Farm 2 – « Fellah – ville de Misserghin », Boutelilis, Misserghin area.

Farm 3 – Sidi Ali – Mostaganem area

- Direction des Services Agricoles de la Wilaya d’Oran (DSA d’Oran)
- Direction des Services Agricoles de la Wilaya de Mostaganem (DSA de Mostaganem)
- Oran Chamber of Agriculture
- Mostaganem Chamber of Agriculture
- L’Association des irrigateurs des eaux traitées de la Wilaya d’Oran
- Institut National des Sols, de l’Irrigation et du Drainage (INSID El Matmore Relizane)
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique d’Algérie (INRAA El Hmadena Relizane)
- Mostaganem association of vegetable crop farmers
- Office National du Conseil Agricole de Berrichid
- Office National du Conseil Agricole de Settat
- Direction Provinciale de l’Agriculture de Berrechid
- Direction Provinciale de l’Agriculture de Settat
- Coopérative Ennahda
- Coopérative Sidi Aidi