The final event organized in Rabat on May 22nd was a great moment! It was the opportunity to present the achievements and experience with the Smallholder Piloting Program in Morocco. It was also the opportunity to thank and acknowledge the support and the invaluable help from the stakeholders without whom the Smallholder Piloting Program would not have been possible!
We had 3 invited speakers, Dr Bouazzama from PRIMA MED-WET, Dr R. Marijuan from PRIMA NATMED and Dr Raul Sanchez from H2020 GreenUP and HE CIRAWA. They gave exciting talks on new irrigation technologies and nature-based solution for Full Water Cycle management. The discussion with the audience was a great moment of exchange and debate where challenging issues such as cost, capacity-building & training, sustainability of implemented activities, communities, time scale, policy, … were addressed.