Bibliography web portal
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Soil-Water-Plant interaction
- Soil moisture sensors – how they work. Why some are not research-grade. TDR, FDR, capacitance, resistance: a comparison of common soil mositure sensing methods, their pros and cons, and their unique application. From Meter group. May need simple email information.
- The researcher’s complete guide to soil moisture. From Meter group. May need simple email information.
- Soil Water Basics from Irrometer and many more useful information for understanding soil moisture sensors and soil moisture based irrigation scheduling
- Water Movements in the Soil:
- Monitoring soil moisture helps refine irrigation management. Blaine R. Hanson, Steve Orloff, Douglas Peters. CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, VOLUME 54, NUMBER 3.
- Methods and Techniques for Soil Moisture Monitoring. Vivek Sharma, U. Wyoming, B-1331, Nov. 2018.
- Soils chart with suggested irrigation trigger points. University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Comparative assessment of different reference evapotranspiration models
towards a fit calibration for arid and semi-arid areas. Rachid Hadria, Tarik Benabdelouhab, Hayat Lionboui, Adil Salhi. Journal of Arid Environments Volume 184, January 2021. - FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56 on Crop Evapotranspiration. Get the .pdf
Watermark-related resources
- List of all Watermark-related documentations from Irrometer
- Video 1 on Watermak install – direct burial – Video 2 on Watermak install – PVC pipe YouTube videos from Irrometer
- Another Watermak install – direct burial (hard or rocky soil) YouTube video from Irrometer
- Deep understanding and Research articles listed by Irrometer
- Watermark Granular Matrix Sensor to Measure Soil Matric Potential for Irrigation Management. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Feb. 2016
- 5-video playlist from UNL CropWatch on the topic of “How to Schedule Irrigations with Soil Water Data”, mainly using the Watermark water tension sensor
- How to use Watermark™ Soil Moisture Sensors for Irrigation. C.G. Henry, P. B. Francis, L. Espinoza, D.M. Pickelmann. University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture, Research & Extension. FSA58.
- En français. Cahier de savoir-faire Watermark par Challenge Agriculture
- En français. Plusieurs vidéos mode d’emploi du Watermark par Challenge Agriculture
- En français. 30 vidéos pour se former par Challenge Agriculture
- En français. Vidéo expliquant l’installation du Watermark en sol facile
- En français. Vidéo expliquant l’installation du Watermark en sol difficile
Soil maps and soil-related knowledge resources
Water/Agriculture/Farming resources
- FAO resources
- AGRIS The International System for Agricultural Science and Technology
- Digital Technologies in Agriculture and Rural Areas: Status Report
- AQUASTAT – FAO’s Global Information System on Water and Agriculture
- FAO’s Land-Water databases & software
- FAO’s CropWat tool
- FAO’s Global Soil Partnership
- Manuel des Techniques d’Irrigation sous Pression (FR). FAO Land and Water Division.
- Handbook on Pressurized Irrigation Techniques (EN). FAO Land and Water Division.
- UN resources
- Precision Agriculture for Smallholder Farmers, UNDP, September 2021
- UN-Water
- UN World Water Development Report 2022 (available in many languages)
- All UN World Water Development Reports since 2003
- Nile Bassin Initiative
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Resources from the Nebraska Agricultural Water Management Network (NAWMN)
- Growth State Charts
- Irrigation Water Apps
- See Water-Soil-Plant interaction for other resources from UNL
- 5-video Playlist from UNL CropWatch on the topic of “How to Schedule Irrigations with Soil Water Data”
- Resources from the Nebraska Agricultural Water Management Network (NAWMN)
- Meter group
- Meter Environment
Digital technologies in agriculture/farming
- Crop App Index: Your route to agricultural decision support tools
- Agriculture et numérique: Tirer le meilleur du numérique pour contribuer à la transition vers des agricultures et des systèmes alimentaires durables. Livre blanc INRIA-INRAE.
- Modèles libre et agriculture. Livre blanc B-BOOST.
- Eden Library. Enabling AI in agrifood. Browse datasets and the wiki. AUA is participating to this platform.
- GSMA resources
- Assessment of smart farming solutions for smallholders in low and middle-income countries. WAZIUP contributed to this report.
- Digital Agriculture Map web site
- Digitel Agriculture Map, 2020 Report: State of the Sector in Low and Middle-Income Countries (.pdf)
- Toolkit for the digitisation of agricultural value chains
- IDH the sustainable trade initiative
Agricultural Knowledge Platforms
- AccessAgriculture: promote agroecological principles and rural entrepreneurship through capacity development and South-South exchange of quality farmer-to-farmer training videos in local languages
- TriplePerformance. Open source agricultural knowledge & best practices.
- SHERPA repository. SHERPA repository is a compilation of research outputs and findings from past and on-going projects related to rural areas. AUA is participating to this platform.
- FAIRshare. Digital Tools for Farm Advisors. Browse through the collection of Digital Advisory Tools and Services. AUA is participating to this platform.
- EU FarmBook. A collection of vetted best practices for farmers & foresters. AUA is participating to this platform.
EU/PRIMA/H2020 related projects
- H2020 EURAKNOS and H2020 EUREKA
- Direction des Services Agricoles (DSA). Wilaya d’Oran.