Pinned presentations
- Intel-IrriS’s presentation slides. Kickoff meeting. June 23rd, 2021.
- Transdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development: illustration with PRIMA INTEL-IRRIS et PRIMA RESILINK. Invited Keynote at the workshop on Smart Farming, organized as part of the IEEE EDiS 2024 international conference on Embedded and Distributed System, Béchar, Algeria, Nov. 3-5, 2024. The keynote on Nov. 5th presents the transdisciplinary approach adopted by INTEL-IRRIS to take into account smallholder farmers’ specificities to develop and propose adapted technological solutions.
- Digital Innovation in Agriculture Targeting Smallholder Farmer Communities presented at the webinar on “Smart Agriculture” organized by INDICATIC AIP (Panama), Datum Academy and the University of Quindio (Columbia), Oct. 16th, 2024.
- Co-Develop: the INTEL-IRRIS project targeting smallholder communities presented at the “The 3 Co-De-s Webinar” organized by PRIMA NatMED, SALAM-MED and OurMED, Oct. 16th, 2024.
- ADVANCED IOT/AI TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMALLHOLDER FARMERS… AND WHAT DID WE LEARNED presented at the final event of PRIMA MED-WET project that took place at the Agricultural Innovation Fair organized by the Fundao Municipality in Portugal, Oct. 12th, 2024.
- INTEL-IRRIS’s developed starter-kit, solutions and lessons learned presented at the Sustain MED 2024 Stakeholder Workshop organized by PRIMA OURMED project on October 8th, 2024.
- INTEL-IRRIS pitch (.pdf) for the 5mins pitch at the EURO-MEDITERRANEAN INNOVATION MARKETPLACE 2024, Cairo, Egypt, October 3rd, 2024.
- May 9th and May 22nd, 2024. See the presentation of the final events in Algeria and Morocco.
- March 4th, 2024. Dr T. Benabdelouahab from INRA Rabat was invited to the “#1 North Africa DCAS Training Event to Support Climate Resilience for Smallholder Agriculture” in Cairo, Egypt. He presented how to “Empowering Moroccan Farmers with Advanced Digital and Climate-Smart Agricultural Solutions” where the INTEL-IRRIS project was cited as a reference in irrigation optimization targeting smallholder communities.
- Feb. 28th, 2024. 3 PRIMA projects are joining force to address « New Technologies for Food Security and Sustainable Development » in the Smart Farming III event organized by the UORAN1 team. Pr B. Kechar presented INTEL-IRRIS’s results and the Smallholder Piloting Program.
- Oct. 20th, 2023. Pr Congduc Pham presented the INTEL-IRRIS project, its edge-AI approach and the challenges in deploying edge-AI for agriculture applications at the Datum Academy on “Continuing Education on Applied Artificial Intelligence”.
- June 28th, 2023. Low-cost sensor design for eco-sustainability in smart agriculture targeting smallholder communities. Invited presentation at GreenIT workshop. C. Pham presented the INTEL-IRRIS’s low-cost and eco-sustainable approach to deploy IoT systems for optimizing irrigation.
- June 28th, 2023. The INTEL-IRRIS approach for low-cost sensing and Edge-AI for optimized irrigation in smallholder farmers communities. C. Pham presented a keynote talk at the EAISA 2023 Workshop on Edge AI for Smart Agriculture.
- June 26th, 2023. The INTEL-IRRIS’s low-cost sensing approach for optimized irrigation targeting smallholder communities. Invited talk at IPPN Affordable Phenotyping Workshop, Connected Stick World Tour session. Remote presentation by C. Pham (UPPA).
- June 7th, 2023. INTEL-IRRIS’s approach & methodology for low-cost sensing in irrigation optimization for smallholders. Presented by C. Pham at the Smart Agriculture (Agricultura Inteligente) event organized by Panama’s INDICATIC AIP research institute on digital technologies and IICA (Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture).
- May 27th, 2023. Pr B. Kechar presented the main results of the INTEL-IRRIS project at SEED4NA workshop organized at University Oran 1 Ahmed Benbella. See the the presentation (.pdf).
- Dec. 14th, 2022. PACHA hotel & conference center, Oran. Event on “Innovative low cost technologies for a modern and sustainable agriculture in Algeria”.
Pr Congduc Pham presented the objectives and challenges of INTEL-IRRIS project for irrigation optimization targeting smallholder farmers. He also showcased the INTEL-IRRIS starter-kit with a live demo. See the presentation in both english and french.
Pr Congduc Pham presented and showcased the INTEL-IRRIS starter-kit targeting smallholder farmers with a “plug-&-sense” technological solution. See the presentation in both english and french.
Pr Mohamed Benkhelifa presented the complex soil-plant-atmosphere continuum and the various irrigation techniques in use in Algeria. See the presentation.
- Nov. 13-14, 2022. Smart Farming II organized by University of Oran 1 (Pr. Bouabdellah Kechar) . Researchers, stakeholders & farmers are taking the opportunity to discuss on digitalisation of agriculture which is a top priority for Algeria.
Pr Congduc Pham presented the objectives, the challenges and the achievements of the INTEL-IRRIS collaborative project.
Get the slides in .pdf.
Sept. 28th, 2022. Système d’irrigation intelligent pour un contrôle autonome de l’eau à faible coût dans l’agriculture à petite échelle (familiale). Keynote talk at the MOSTA’EXPO 2022. Mohamed Benkhelifa (UMAB).
- June 13th, 2022. Seminar organized by Pr K. Baraka (ENSA Safi) and Pr J. Ezzahar (ENSA Safi and CRSA) at the International Water Research Institute (IWRI) of the University Mohammed 6 Polytechnic. The purpose of this seminar is to present the INTEL-IRRIS project and results to IWRI.
- Opening of the seminar by Professor A. Chehbouni. Lead of CRSA & IWRI (UM6P)
- The INTEL-IRRIS project for smarter irrigation. Congduc Pham, UPPA, France.
- IoT Edge Computing – Challenges and Perspectives for smart agriculture applications. Abdur Rahim, WAZIUP e.V., Germany.
- Waziup IoT edge platform for AI application in agriculture. F. Markwordt, WAZIUP e.V., Germany.
Applications of artificial intelligence for precision agriculture. Pr. Mohammed Mediafi, ENSA Safi, Morocco.
- June 8th, 2022. Scientific day of the PRIMA INTEL-IRRIS project and the challenges of Irrigation 4.0. Organized by Pr Tarik Benabdelouahab (INRA Rabat).
- Les défis de l’irrigation 4.0 dans le contexte nord-africain. Abdellah Elaissaoui, INRA CRRA SETTAT, Maroc. Challenges of Irrigation 4.0 in North Africa.
- Le projet INTEL-IRRIS pour une irrigation plus intelligente. Congduc Pham, UPPA, France. The INTEL-IRRIS project for smarter irrigation.
- Utilisation de capteurs à faible coût pour optimiser l’irrigation. Christian Hartmann, IRD, France. Usage of low-cost sensors for irrigation optimization.
- Digital platforms & AI for smart agriculture. Thomas Bartzanas, AUA, Grèce.
- IoT Edge Computing – Challenges and Perspectives for smart agriculture applications. Abdur Rahim, WAZIUP e.V., Allemagne.
- Le starter-kit d’INTEL-IRRIS. Congduc Pham, UPPA, France. The INTEL-IRRIS starter-kit.
- April 1st, 2022. Webinar sur l’irrigation 4.0 (french language). Organized by INRA with ENSA Safi, UORAN1 and UMAB. Animated by Pr Tarik Benabdelouahab (INRA).
- Welcome and introduction by Pr Tarik Benabdelouahab (INRA). Video at time t=0s.
- Présentation du projet INTEL-IRRIS (.pdf). Pr Congduc Pham, UPPA, France. Video at time t=75s.
- Application des nouvelles technologies pour l’irrigation connectée (.pdf). Pr Kechar Bouabdellah UORAN1, Oran, Algérie. Video at time t=630s.
- Technologies des capteurs pour l’irrigation de précision : performance, choix technique et économique. Pr. El Aissaoui Abdellah, INRA-CRRA Settat, Maroc. Video at time t=2851s.
- Capteurs à bas coût pour la mesure de l’eau dans le sol : opérations préliminaires de calibration au laboratoire (.pdf). Dr. Christian Hartmann, IRD Paris, France. Video at time t=4934s.
- Présentation du starter-kit du projet INTEL-IRRIS (.pdf). Pr. Congduc Pham UPPA, Pau, France. Video at time t=7554s.
Look at the full video as it includes questions and discussions.
- March 30th, 2022. Seminar on Low-cost connected agriculture (french language). Organized and animated by Pr Kamal Baraka (ENSA Safi).
- INTEL-IRRIS: un projet européen PRIMA pour développer des technologies à faible coût pour les petits exploitants agricoles (.pdf). Pr Congduc Pham, UPPA, France.
- Technologies des capteurs pour l’irrigation de précision : performance, choix technique et économique. Pr. EL AISSAOUI Abdellah, INRA-CRRA Settat, Maroc.
- Intelligence Artificielle au Service de l’Agriculture. Pr MADIAFI Mohammed, ENSA Safi, Maroc.
- March 11th, 2022. Webinar on irrigation in small-scale agriculture (french language). Organized by INRA with ENSA Safi, UORAN1 and UMAB. Animated by Pr Tarik Benabdelouahab (INRA).
- Welcome and introduction by Pr Tarik Benabdelouahab (INRA). Video at t=0s.
- Ouverture et présentation du projet INTEL-IRRIS (.pdf). Pr Congduc Pham (UPPA, France). Video at time t=254s.
- L’irrigation au Maroc face au changements climatiques: les nouveaux défis (.pdf). Dr. Bassou Bouazzama (INRA, Maroc). Video at time t=1401s.
- L’eau dans le sol et contraintes de l’irrigation. Pr. Mohammed Benkhelifa (UMAB, Algérie). Video at time t=4518s. Courte vidéo complémentaire sur “Texture et structure d’un sol : l’essentiel” produit par les élèves de la classe de 2nde NJPF du lycée de Contamine sur Arve.
Look at the full video as it includes questions and discussions.
- December 14th, 2021. Intel-IrriS project at the University of Oran 1, Algeria. Presentation at Scientific Day on PRIMA projects at University of Oran 1 by Pr. B. Kechar, Director of RIIR Laboratory.
- November 10th, 2021. Latest IoT developments in Africa for entrepreneurs & startups. Invited presentation at Orange Radio Innovation Day. Remote presentation by C. Dupont, Technical Director of Waziup eV.
- July 6th, 2021. Low-power, Low-cost Smart Cameras: Issues and Challenges. Invited talk at IPPN Affordable Phenotyping Workshop on Plant Phenotyping with Minicomputers and Low-Cost Cameras, July 6th, 2021. Remote presentation by C. Pham (UPPA).