Smallholder Piloting Program is interviewing new farmers

The Smallholder Piloting Program continues in Morocco with demonstration of the starter-kit and interviews of farmers on Feb. 21-23, 2024. These interviews focus on the User Interface and feedback are collected to improve the user experience of the data visualization components. More photos in the News section

Read the “The gateway to the future of the Mediterranean”

A publication from the European Union. “The Gateway to the Future of the Mediterranean explains the interplay between water, energy, food and the ecosystems in the region. Compelling illustrations and graphics employing a companion app give access to new audiovisual content, paintings and augmented reality features which create a unique user experience.”  Get it from


View INTEL-IRRIS NEWSLETTER #5 and provide feedbacks using the Reply feature. Content of NEWSLETTER #5 – January 2024 Starter-kit v3 is finalized! Order your fully assembled INTEL-IRRIS PCBv4.1 What about AI? Smallholder Piloting Program is accelerating!

PRIMA INTEL-IRRIS and OurMED are investigating collaborations on sensing platforms

On Dec. 4th, 2023,  Congduc Pham presented the INTEL-IRRIS sensing platform to the PRIMA OurMED project consortium. One objective is to deploy some INTEL-IRRIS starter-kits on selected OurMED demo site where soil moisture & temperature data can be useful to collect. Various configurations can be foreseen, depending on the selected demo site. Updated information: on Dec. 11th, 2023, an INTEL-IRRIS […]

INTEL-IRRIS cost-effective sensors referenced by iEES Paris

The INTEL-IRRIS’s soil sensors based on the latest PCB with solar charging capability is referenced on the iEES instrumentation platform web site. iEES is the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris. The instrumentation platform works in close collaboration with researchers to design and improve instruments adapted to the specific needs of their ecology projects.

Updated tutorials showing how to order INTEL-IRRIS PCBA, fully assembled!

NEW! Tutorial slides building the INTEL-IRRIS IoT platform. Part 1: soil sensor device. Focus on the latest IRD PCBv4.1 (recommended). The tutorial has been updated to focus on the latest IRD PCBv4.1. NEWLY UPDATED! Tutorial slides on building the INTEL-IRRIS platform. Annex-1: ordering & manufacturing the INTEL-IRRIS PCBs, including PCBA  We also produce the new video n°9 “How to order the fully assembled […]